
Check-in 4-6pm (dinner provided after check-in).
Check-out after lunch on Sunday.

The Camp Captain Retreat is an Adult Retreat for those serious about reaching the next generation for Christ through Lake Ann Camp. Its a free retreat as our thanks to you. Bring your spouse for a fun and informative weekend away!

For more specific details contact our Camp Captain Coordinator - Cheryl Tinsley 606-344-1923

When to arrive

  • Check-in is between 3pm and 5pm on Friday November 1st at the Welcome Center.
  • Dinner will be served at 6pm.
  • Final Session will conclude Sun November 3rd, at 3pm.

Who Should Attend?

If you believe young people need life-changing experiences where they encounter Godthen you may be a great candidate to be a Camp Captain. If you or someone close to you has had their life changed at Lake Ann Camp, then you may be a great candidate.

Why Should I attend? 

  • You will leave the retreat fully prepared to answer questions about Lake Ann Camp
  • You will be given an boatload of prizes to be used to recruit campers
  • You will learn from the best - other Camp Captains who recruit lots of campers
  • You will be refreshed in your journey to reach students for Christ
  • You will meet our staff & try out our new activities!
  • Just coming to camp may be a chance for you to build some standing stones of your own!