Purpose Gives Freedom

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Having a purpose for everything you do gives freedom

At first, I resisted the idea of a sabbatical but I chose to follow the Lake Ann Camp Board’s lead.  The board was clear, just as a Sabbath day is meant for rest so a sabbatical is to be for rest, reconnection, and refreshment.

Being a goal-oriented person, I purposed to achieve these 3 elements.  Anything that could become an obsession during this time was rejected.  In the end, I think the objectives were met because they were stated so clearly.  I also received a clean bill of health when I returned which was a big surprise to my doctor.  The same is true in life as it is at the camp.  Lake Ann Camp consistently makes a difference because everything from Chapel to Skit Nights has a purpose.  That is a constant you can count on in this ministry. I recognized that having a purpose gives freedom.

Humor is a vital life skill for leaders

Life can be very serious and we easily fall into carrying burdens that should be rolled over to the Lord.  On the Sabbatical, there was a time when I started laughing more and noticing that the healthy people I encountered did not avoid reality, but could laugh in the face of the storm.

During the summer, I teach the staff this phrase:  If it is going to be funny later – it might as well be funny now.  To punctuate this thought, each week we celebrate a Trooper of the Week and then we enjoy a good laugh over a Blooper of the Week.  Even Proverbs says that “a merry heart is good like a medicine.”  I have purposed to laugh more and now I am on a mission to make that happen, not just in me, but also in our camp programs.  Who knows, maybe our campers will be laughing more.  After all, Lake Ann Camp is The Place to Discover Life at its Best!

Stand at the edge of something so expansive
that words cannot describe what you are viewing

As you can imagine, an unexplainable awe is everyone’s response when standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon. Isn’t that also true of the work that God does in a camper’s heart?  Scripture describes the Spirt’s work like the wind, in that it cannot be seen, but all can see its effect.  Know this about Lake Ann Camp: we are committed to cooperating with God by removing distractions so that His Spirit can have free reign in the hearts of our campers.  We are so thankful that the fruit of this commitment is a powerful life transformation experienced on these grounds.

Sabbatical Take-aways that Will Impact Your Campers this Summer was written by Ken Riley, Executive Director at Lake Ann Camp and Retreat Center. 

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