Student Retreat Policies

The following policies, guidelines, and release are established to help provide a positive and safe experience for your group and others at Lake Ann Camp. Please ensure each member of your group understands and agrees to abide by the following terms:


Lake Ann Camp staff will conduct a brief, mandatory orientation to campers and adult leaders at each retreat to communicate Lake Ann Camp’s mission and purpose as well as safety procedures/regulations and expectations. Please be sure to plan for this orientation upon arrival and require attendance of everyone in your group.


Lake Ann Camp does not provide general supervision for retreat groups. The retreat group is responsible for supervision of its participants. It is very important that all behavior is consistent with the mission of Lake Ann Camp and the purposes of the retreat. Churches are required to bring at minimum, one adult leader for up to every ten campers of the same gender. These supervising adults are required to stay overnights in their cabins with their campers.

Background Checks

  1. Churches registering as a group are asked to verify that all attending adult leaders (including youth pastors) have passed national criminal and sexual offender background checks. These checks must have been completed not more than three years prior to the ending date of the retreat.
    • A church can fulfill this step by providing Lake Ann Camp a signed copy of the Background Check Verification Form available from the camp office.
  2. If your church does not have access to a current qualifying background check, Lake Ann Camp can assist you with a link to the service we use for conducting background checks.
    • Your leaders can complete this online.
    • Each background check costs $7.20 paid directly to the service provider.
    • Background checks will then be valid for 3 years for any future Lake Ann Camp retreats or camp visits.
  3. Church group leaders are advised to provide training to minimize the potential of any group personnel being in a one-on-one camper/personnel situation when out of sight of others while at Lake Ann Camp programmed retreats. Please be respectful of other groups – adults should not interact individually or too extensively with minors of other groups.

Health Forms

Leaders from participating Churches are advised to collect and possess SIGNED health forms for every student from the church and for each retreat attended, and to keep these records on hand during the travel to and from Lake Ann Camp, as well as during the time on site at the retreat.

  • Health forms are advised to include:
    • Names and addresses of all participants
    • Emergency contact names and numbers
    • A listing of any persons with known allergies or health conditions requiring treatment, restriction, or other accommodation while on site
    • For minors without a parent on site, signed permission to seek emergency treatment or a signed religious waiver
  • If your church does not currently have a standard health form:
    • Sample copies of health forms are available from the Lake Ann Camp office. These can be emailed or faxed, per request

Emergency/First Aid

Lake Ann Camp does not assume responsibility for, or provide health/medical services or medications for retreat groups. We advise each group to bring a CPR and first-aid certified person (from a nationally recognized certification provider), furnish a first-aid kit and supplies, and provide emergency transportation if needed for any group members. There is an AED located in the Welcome Center. It is Lake Ann Camp policy to call 9-1-1 for emergency response and transportation. The Almira Township Fire & EMS station is less than one mile from the camp.


Churches registering as a group are solely responsible for how they will manage medications for their students. This responsibility extends to the time of travel to and from Lake Ann Camp as well as during the time on site at the retreat. Lake Ann Camp will have lock boxes available for any church leader who requests the use of one for the storage and safekeeping of their student’s medications.

Special Diets

Lake Ann Camp welcomes campers with routine food allergies and dietary restrictions. The camp Food Service staff is prepared to accommodate many reasonable dietary requests. However, the Lake Ann Camp kitchens and dining halls are not nut-free, dairy-free, soy-free, or egg-free environments. The potential for allergen cross-contamination cannot be eliminated completely. Campers and guests with food allergies and dietary restrictions participate in camp prepared meals at their own risk. Campers and guests in need of special diet accommodations are provided opportunity to communicate those needs in advance when registering for Lake Ann Camp events.


Linens are not provided in cabins. Individuals in cabins must bring all bed linens, pillows, towels and toiletries.

Cabin Furniture

Due to safety designs and required access to fire exit doors and windows, bunks are not to be moved, and mattresses are not to be placed on the floors or removed from the cabins.


Retreat groups are responsible for repairs or replacements of camp property due to abuse or damage beyond normal use. Charges will be invoiced separately following departure.

Specialized Activities

Lake Ann Camp certified staff lead and supervise all specialized activities (Swimming, Water Slide, Boating, Challenge Course, High Adventure, Zipline, Archery Tag, Laser Tag, Paintball, etc.). Guests are not allowed to access or attempt independent use of these activities. The rules for use of the waterfront will be presented to your group at orientation, or prior to use.


The use of the waterfront at Lake Ann Camp is strictly prohibited at student retreats.

Tubing Hills

Retreat group leaders are expected to provide supervision on the tubing hills while their campers are using the tubes. It is also expected that these leaders will help maintain compliance to the tubing hill rules. Injuries which have occurred while tubing have almost always occurred when the rules have not been followed. The rules for use of the tubing hill will be presented to your group at orientation, or prior to use.

Lake Ice

Guests are never allowed on the ice. Lake View has under-surface springs and water movement continues year-round. No matter how solid the lake ice may appear, it is not safe.


All vehicles must be parked in designated camp parking lots. Parking spaces on the circle drive near the Dining Hall are reserved for short-term parking, and guests with mobility challenges. Please do not drive vehicles on pedestrian walkways or park vehicles at the cabins. Transportation of participants in vehicles not designed for passengers (back of pick-up truck, trailers, etc.) is not allowed. Groups are responsible for providing transportation around camp for persons with physical limitations. Camp vehicles, including golf carts, may only be operated by Lake Ann Camp staff.


No weapons are allowed on camp premises without prior written approval of the Executive Director. Weapons are defined as firearms, and knives with a blade longer than 3 inches.


No pets are allowed at Lake Ann Camp. Service animals are welcome.


Tobacco products, alcohol and illegal drugs are not permitted at Lake Ann Camp.

Lost & Found

Lake Ann Camp will hold any found items for two weeks after the conclusion of any event. Please contact the camp office, or email [email protected] to inquire about lost items. Found items not claimed within two weeks will be donated to an area charity.

Release to use Image and Likeness

On occasion, Lake Ann Camp takes photographs or makes an audio or video recording of retreaters. Such photographs, audio recordings, or video recordings may be used by staff and participants to remember the activities and participants. By registering to attend and participate in a Lake Ann camp programmed retreat, parents and/or legal guardians consent to the use of any such audio or visual record of the camper named on the registration, to be used, distributed, or displayed as Lake Ann Camp, and agents of the organization see fit, including use in Lake Ann Camp publications or promotional materials. These recordings and images may also be used by Lake Ann Camp in materials offered for sale to the public.